

Our professionals use ServiceNow that is a cloud-based company that provides software as a service (SaaS) for technical management support. We use ServiceNow because it specializes in IT services management (ITSM), IT operations management (ITOM) and IT business management (ITBM), that allows us to manage our client’s projects, teams and customer interactions via a variety of apps and plugins provided by ServiceNow.
ServiceNow products offer a service model based on what can help users identify the root cause of the issues they encounter, as well as helps them to correct issues with self-service. The service model appears as tasks, activities and processes from ServiceNow products, separated by cloud services. Altogether, they are overseen as part of a comprehensive managed workflow that supports features such as real-time communication, collaboration and resource sharing. ServiceNow has service management software for the following industries:
  • Healthcare
  • Financial services
  • Government
  • Manufacturing
  • Telecommunications
  • Education

Similarly the cloud services offered by ServiceNow include a suite of products that allows us to provide our clients the facility or server less-computing. Our cloud offerings include five common business categories: Security, Customer Service, IT, HR and Business Apps.
For providing cybersecurity we use ServiceNow’s tools like Nonstop Cloud that is a tool used to store and organize data for users without ever taking their data offline. It uses a multi-instance model, allowing users to customize the way they use the product so that they can access the type of information they need. Nonstop Cloud can also be used to perform upgrades and other changes at specific scheduled times.
We also use ServiceNow’s Now Platform that is a dashboard for ServiceNows various products, including Nonstop Cloud, tools for anomaly detection, predictive modeling, peer benchmarking and performance forecasting.