
Cloud Computing Consulting

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We at CyberGuard Solutions understand that cloud computing has become an essential need for businesses and companies as in this modern era. If a company has low internet or cloud presence the chances of such businesses to survive and grow in today’s world are very slim.

Digital transformation has forced the corporate world to adopt the change and provide their products and services with the way their clients and users demand.

Cloud adoption has increased to such extent that today 94% of enterprises use the cloud to provide their services and products digitally. Every day millions of people from ordering food online to video-calling their friends and family use cloud-based applications and products. And the lifestyle of today’s society requires us to use these digital web applications to stay connected and get our daily basis of tasks done.

With so much adoption and usage comes the host of different types of cloud-based cyber-security risks. There is data/information of billions of users present on thousands of different cloud-based companies all over the world. And cybercriminals try relentlessly to gain the sensitive information and data of users present on the cloud.

Every now and then we become aware of cloud data breaches of companies that result in lost data of millions of people. Cybersecurity risks like ID-theft, data leakage, unauthorized-access etc. become the primary source of worry for companies and businesses using the cloud.

Market leaders have predicted that 2022 at least 95% of security failures in the cloud will be caused by the customers or say outside adversaries. To protect your company’s cloud-infrastructure and applications from both inside and outside security risks our experts at CyberGuard Solutions are ready to take your cloud security to the next level.